Spider's Gambit is a unity game created for the Solo Dev Game Jam #4 
The theme of the jam was: Two Button Controls

Link the dots showing on the screen to damage the bird

In this game you are playing as a spider fighting your most common predator ... the bird.

The only way you have of beating him is to create webs by linking the dots that appear on the screen.

This is my first officially released game, it took me a little bit less than two days to complete it so there's a lot of stuff that is missing IMO.

Please let me know what you think about it, I'm really excited to hear from you guys.

Updated 20 days ago
Published 22 days ago
TagsArcade, bird, Hack and Slash, Retro, Slasher, spider


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Fan art! https://x.com/urushianaki/status/1831553934298661332



What a great game. We chatted a lot of about this on my stream, but I want to reiterate how much I truly enjoyed this game. The artwork is phenomenal. The gameplay was a little tricky at first, which made it feel so rewarding when I won. It even had a boss fight! Great job.

If you'd like to see a live reaction of me playing your game, visit


Had a great time watching the live and got a lot of useful feedback, thanks a lot for giving it a try  

Really amazing game for being in the "Two Button Controls" genre!
took me a couple of attempts until i took that bird down lol

So happy you got to enojy it <3

"This game is harder than Darksouls" PracticalNPC, aug, 2024.

Amazing what you did in this jam 👏🏻


hhehe I had such a blast, thanks a lot!


Really like the polish and mechanics, and good execution of the theme! I discovered that it's easier to move forward accurately by wiggling left and right than relying just on pressing both buttons

I would expect us two-legged humans to have some difficulty controlling 8 legged insects.
Thanks a lot for trying out my game man!